Sang Gi Choi Expert Advisor
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Sanggi Choi is an expert advisor at Yoon & Yang. His main practice area is criminal defense.
After passing the National Civil Service Examination for Grade VII Administrative Officers, Mr. Choi worked at Special Case Department 2 of Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office, Special Case Division of Seoul Western District Prosecutor’s Office, Special Case Division of Anyang Branch, Foreign Criminal Affairs Department and Investigation Department of Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office. He retired from public service in March 2016 after his time as an Investigator at Special Case Department 2 of Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office.

At the Prosecution Service, he was mainly responsible for special investigations as well as corporate and financial investigations, and he investigated major corporations, including H Group, C Group, H Group, S Group and P Group. His additional work experiences include working at the National Investigation Reform Task Force under the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office on the adjustment of investigative authority; a secondment to the Central Investigation Department of the Supreme Prosecutor’s Office to participate in a nation-wide investigation of companies delisted from KOSDAQ, and; working at the Central Investigation Department on Insolvent Financial Institutions of Korea Deposit Insurance Corporations.


  • 2017-present Yoon & Yang LLC
  • 2015-16 Special Case Department 2, Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office
  • 2014-15 Central Investigation Department on Insolvent Financial Institutions, Korea Deposit Insurance Corporation
  • 2013-14 Special Case Department 2, Seoul Central District Prosecutor’s Office
  • 2012-13 Investigation Department, Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office
  • 2011-12 Special Case Division, Anyang Branch, Suwon District Prosecutors’ Office
  • 2009-11 Special Case Division, Seoul Western District Prosecutors’ Office
  • 2007-09 Investigation Department, Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office
  • 2005 Foreign Criminal Affairs Department, Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office
  • 2002-03 Special Case Department 2, Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office


  • 2003 Kyonggi University, LL.B.